Furious Democrats are pushing “Squad” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to primary Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) after he agreed to vote with Republicans to avoid a government shutdown, according to reports.
Schumer’s current term ends in 2029 so this is just more performative nonsense.
My friend, almost all of politics can be reasonably described as “performative nonsense”. If you want to bash the Dems, you can easily do so, but you’ll have to try slightly harder.
Not necessarily. Sinema did her bullshit impression of McCain at the very beginning of her term. She was toast from that moment on, AZ dems froze her out and started working to replace her from that moment on.
That’s still 4 years away. Next year or even 2 years? Performative. But a whole 4 years is a good chunk of time to maybe put a spine back into Dem leadership.
Fuck that…AOC and the rest of the progressives need to make their own party. The Ds are done.
they need to take over the party!
If they take over the party, you have to shoulder the responsibility of everything the parties done in the past. It’s easier to just start a new one, because I don’t fucking feel like a democrat anymore. I’m tired of calling myself a democrat. Because democrats are spineless feckless fucking morons that spend tens of millions of dollars after they lose an election to find out why, and then do absolutely fucking nothing with that information.
The sheer level of idiocy and hubris required to spend that kind of money to find out a way to fix a problem, and when you have that information do nothing with it is beyond anything the forefathers could have ever fucking dreamed of.
We need to take responsibility, because we broke democracy. The two party system doesn’t work anymore. I want out.
As long as the US uses a first-past-the-post system, third parties will not be viable. The only REAL way to go forward is to take over the Democratic party and push it left. We’ll see how it goes…
While it will be a problem I think right now it is worse to stick under the Democrat label. Right now the Democrats are a fascist-lite party which has only served to drag down real progressive candidates and stab the common man in the back in favor of status quo or for needless compromise. The Democratic Party is so deeply rotten that abandoning it is just the better option.
Edit: The Democratic Party is held up by its progressive wing, the progressives help maintain the party’s image of being left wing/centrist. Once the progressives leave the real nature of the party will cause it to collapse under its own failures.
This will not be the first time we have had one of the major parties fall in this nation. Like the Federalists, Democratic-Republicans and Whigs before it, it is time for a dying party to disintegrate. It is time for a new party which actually has to give a shit is formed.
You are high off your rocker if you legitimately think you have a better chance of winning as an independent (or whatever they want to call the new party) than a democrat right now. We are so woefully entrenched in a two party system that we need multiple elections cycles just for a third party to even get a foothold in people’s minds. I am very very in favor of additional parties and have always thought that the two party system is absolutely terrible for just about everything we wish a government to do but at this point I just don’t see it happening for quite some time, epecially with first past the polls voting.
John Adams was painfully accurate in his warning:
Let me now warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party… It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeebles the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption… There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.
The whole letter is fantastic and incredibly salient today. But this sums it up decently.
A third party is able to supplant and replace one of the two big parties even under FPTP.
MAGA took over the Republican Party for a reason if the progressives were able to organize their way out of a paper bag they could do it themselves.
MAGA took over the Republican Party for a reason
That reason is that the GOP allowed them to. In 2016 the GOP held an extremely competitive primary and actively embraced MAGA as their new path to success, while the DNC decided to make sure a progressive doesn’t get the nomination again even at the cost of losing the election.
You guys need to get over the whole Bernie thing.
He didn’t win the primary.
Yes, because the DNC did everything it could to mske sure he didn’t win the primary.
Remember Debbie Wasserman Schultz? Unfortunately, I do.
He was on every single ballot. Every one. I voted for him. He didn’t win, not because the DNC screwed him, but because THE VOTERS DIDN’T VOTE FOR HIM.
The delegates voted for Clinton.
I’ve never felt more defeated electorally than by the current crop of Democrats.
Losing to Hillary in the '16 primaries was rough, but it wasn’t even close to enough to get me or almost anyone to drop out of politics. At least the 2020 ratfucking gave us the platform. Losing to Trump, now twice, also pretty rough.
But what Schumer and Jefferies are doing now, its more defeating than anything before. Its not just a weak resistance, or a paper or performative resistance: its anti-resistance. What Schumer and Jefferies have done, through their insescent weakness, will be long term more damaging to the party than anything that Kamala or Biden did or didn’t do, in-spite of their own obvious and utter failings.
News flash: The Democrats are throwing the mid-terms. Now. Right fucking now and right in front of you. The blew the fucking election, and now they are putting in double time to blow the next one.
And you have 0 control or leverage to be able to stop them because they don’t want you in their party. They don’t want to share power with brown people. They don’t want to share power with queer people. They don’t want to share power with immigrants or atheists or scientists or anyone who isn’t an ivy league, beltway insider. They will not be giving over the reigns to the party, no matter how pretty-please with sprinkles on top you ask them. They don’t want to share power with the tent-poles of the big tent party. You are a consumable resource to them. They’re going to throw you and the entire Democratic project under the bus to preserve their posture in a kabuki power game with themselves.
There is no path to salvation through the Democratic party. To quote Carlin: Its a BIG club, and you ain’t in it.
There is no path to resistance through the Democratic party. The way things have been done in the past hasn’t worked. You don’t have decades to find your footing and figure out how to stop this.
You have days, weeks.
Fuck giving up or defeatism though. Lifetime Opposition just because of spite is the way for me.
Seems more like a call for a Democratic version of the GOP’s Tea Party than “giving up” or “defeatism”.
Call it the “Guillotine Party” for the applicable social precedent.
I think their point isn’t defeatism, but rather that the Democratic party is hopeless. If your plan is lifetime opposition, then do that opposition through an avenue other than the DNC.
Jfc do you just sit at a computer all day blue MAGA-ing?
There is no path to salvation through the Democratic party.
Doesn’t sound like blue MAGA to me.
Sounds like a good plan to me. AOC needs to head the DNC.
Or the DNC needs to be thrown to the wolves.
FYI The person who posted this is a Russian troll I downvoted 25 times
Otherwise, good news at last
Hmm yes, any one with any pro-Russian belief has to be a Putin troll farm slave.
Start wearing purple for me nowww
So Fio-Fio-Fioletta! Eta!
Da-da-dadama ti moia!
Eh, podaite nam karetu, vot etu!
I mi poedem k ebeniam!
🇺🇦 💜 😘🕺🔥🍆
I’ll just let your own comments talk for itself.
It is clear that you yourself like purple since you like commenting those lyrics, I’ll let you figure out the meaning of that within the context of the song.
I know it all from Diogenis to Foucault
From Lozgechkin to Paspartu
I ia klianus obossav dva paltza
Chto muzika poshla ot Zvukov Mu!
🇺🇦 💜 😘🕺🔥🍆
I’m pretty sure anything the NYPost has uncovered about Democrats will also be published in a less terrible paper.
Doomed to fail and everyone will again throw up their hands and shrug as they let republicans take down their entire country.
Who is “everyone” my friend? Do you mean “me”?
I would have been more excited about this if she hadn’t carried water for Biden and Harris allowing a genocide at the Harris convention.
There was a genocide at the Harris convention?!